CMYK CMYK is Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black. These are the colour inks used to make up any print job. The printerusespercentagesofthesecolourstocreateothercolours. Dieline Thisistheshapeofthelabel.Whenviewingartworkthedielineisvisibletoshowwherethelabelwillbe cut. BleedArea The image area is outside of the dieline which allows for any slight movements when cutting out the label.Internalbleedareaisinsidethedieline.AtNorwoodthisisa2mmareainfromthedieline. OutlinedFonts When creating text on design software, live text is used. This can be edited, for example, make text adjustments or even change the font type. On each computer there are generic fonts which everyone willhaveandthentherearenon-genericfontswhichcouldbefromafontsoftwareordownloadedfrom the internet. If a file is created on one computer and opened in another, the software will warn the user thatafontis‘missing’,meaningitisnotinstalledonthecomputer.Ifthisisthecasethetextwillappearin a default font, losing the look of the original file. Design software will allow the user to change the editable live text into an object or ‘outlined font’ which will then keep its original appearance no matter whatcomputeritisopenedon.This‘outlined’textisnoteditable. EmbeddedImages Whenanimageisusedonalabel,thelocationoftheimageisstoredinthememoryofthefile.Whenthe fileisopeneduponanothercomputer,thatlocationnolongerexistssoawarningappearssayingitcan’t locatetheimage.Thereforetheimagenolongershowsonthelabel.Inorderfortheimagetobeseenon anothercomputer,theimageisembeddedinthefilememorysoalinktotheoriginalimagelocationisno longerneeded. There are many terms used which can be difficult to explain if you don’t have an understanding of it yourself.HereisalistofcommontermswhichareusedatNorwoodandtheirexplanations. Low/HighResolution(LoRes/HiRes) The resolution is the amount of pixels within an image. This affects the size and quality of an image. Generally if a file size is less than 1mb then it is considered low resolution. If a low resolution image is used for printing, it will appear pixelated and out of focus. This is why Norwood requests high resolution images to make sure that the images print out in the best quality. FileFormats Thereareanumberofdifferentfileformatsavailable.Eachformathasit’sownparticularuse: jpeg:thisisanimagefiletype.Itisthemostcommonlyusedfiletypeforimages.Werequire hiresjpegswhichcometonolessthan1mbinsize. eps:therearetwotypesofepsfiles,IllustratorepsandPhotoshopeps.Whensupplyingalogo tothedesigndepartmentanillustratorepsfileispreferred. pdf: this is the format we save all our files in. This is the most compatible with the esko system we use at Norwood. Illustrator files can be saved as a pdf and the editability is still there. Thereforewhenacustomersuppliesartworkwewouldpreferthefiletobesavedasapdf. ai:thisisanIllustratorfile.Thisisavectorbasedfile.Suppliedartcanbesuppliedasanaifileas wellasapdf. psd: this is a photoshop file. When creating special effects with images, the files are saved as psd. This keeps the information such as layers and certain effects which were used to create the image. This is generally a larger file size than a jpeg which is a flattened file and has no informationstoredwiththefile. png: this small file type is only used for web based files. If a logo or image is supplied as a png file,thenitisunusableandthedesignerwillrequestadifferentfiletype. gif:thisisalsoasmallfiletypemainlyusedfortheweb.Thisisnotasuitablefiletypetosupply images. Ifthereareanyothertermswhichyouareunsureofandneedtobeexplainedinawaythatwill helpyouwithyourcustomers,feelfreetoaskanyofthedesigners. COMMON TERMS