When creating a new label for a range, it is recommended that you create a template for both the front and the back of the label to ensure consistency throughout the range. If you require changes within the range, such as speciļ¬c banner colours or assets, please include these within your template, and clearly outline them so we are able to put your label range together effeciently. Where possible, please be sure to provide any special fonts that may be included within your label. This will allow us to make changes to the text for future labels. RANGES 100%EARTHFRIENDL Y manageyourlifecycle.co.nz think.fresh SUPERFOODS TOMATO BIG RED 100%EARTHFRIENDL Y manageyourlifecycle.co.nz think.fresh HERITAGE WATER MELON think.fresh FLOWERS TOMATO BIG RED 100%EARTHFRIENDL Y manageyourlifecycle.co.nz 100%EARTHFRIENDL Y manageyourlifecycle.co.nz think.fresh HERBS BASIL